If We Were Having Mexican & Margaritas … | Vol. 2


Jamie @ Perpetual Page Turner has these great posts on her blog called, “If We Were Having Coffee,” where she talks a little bit about the things going on in her life, the things behind the blogger. She got the inspiration from a life coach and has been doing them ever since 2013!

I’ve loved every one I’ve read, and after seeing some other people do their take on this great idea (like Laura @ Scribbles & Wanderlust), I decided to do my own version. Except my version is “If we were having Mexican & Margaritas,” because I kid you not, some of the most important conversations of my life have happened at my local Mexican restaurant.

(Also, I love tacos.)

If we were having Mexican and Margaritas, I would tell you … that about a month ago, my appendix totally sabotaged me. I came home from work and was feeling pretty weird, and ended up cancelling plans with the beau for that evening. Fast forward two hours, I was calling him to take me to a Patient First. Fast forward another two hours, I’m at the ER. Slow forward (because believe me, it felt anything but fast) another 8 hours, and I (finally) went in for an emergency appendectomy. It was pretty scary, because I haven’t ever had anything like that happen to me in the past and being in hospitals just gives me the heebie jeebies in general. Luckily, I had an amazing support system in that the beau stayed with me throughout the entire ordeal, and took excellent care of me throughout my three weeks of healing. (Side note: I do not do well with having nothing to do. I was going stir crazy from about 2 hours after I woke up from the surgery to the moment I got to go back to work!)

If we were having Mexican and Margaritas, I would tell you … that my reading has been all kinds of wonky lately. I’ll pick up a book, read 10 pages, then read NOTHING (I’m serious, not one page) for WEEKS … and then I’ll pick it back up and finish it in a matter of days. What’s up with that? (I wish I knew the answer.) I’m trying to “force” myself to read a little bit every day, and so far it’s working – I’ve been reading a bit more this past week and it’s not felt like a chore at all. I know I’ve seen a bunch of people having weird slumps lately, so it helps to know I’m not alone. I just want to get back into my groove, ya know?


If we were having Mexican and Margaritas, I would tell you … that I am a department manager for a college bookstore located in a downtown mall (we’re an anomaly in oh-so-many ways, believe me) and not only is holiday coming up, but so is RUSH (what we call the back to school term) and I have ALL THE THINGS TO DO. I spent most of the last week working on staffing plans for over 11 weeks, while simultaneously trying to figure out updates to our phone system and just generally keep my department running. It’s exhausting, but exhilarating. I love feeling like I’m perpetually behind, because it means every day is interesting. Does that sound crazy to anyone else other than me?

If we were having Mexican and Margaritas, I would tell you … something you might already know – I’ve been working on my weight and overall health for about seven months now, and it’s just absolutely amazing how far I’ve come. I used to be the worst at dieting and exercise and meal planning and just general healthy lifestyle type choices, but I’ve made such dramatic changes in my life and it’s made a huge difference – I’ve lost 40 pounds this year! I’m at a healthy BMI, I don’t drink 2 (…3) Mtn Dews a day, I don’t eat food because I’m bored or because it’s there, and I don’t eat out at fast food restaurants 4-8x a month. I’m so excited to go into my 30s in a good place, and not just on the scale; a good place overall. It’s about damn time.


If we were having Mexican and Margaritas, I would tell you … that I’m in this strange place with blogging. I’m not in a slump. I’m not “over it.” I’m not even in a place where I don’t want to blog … it’s actually the opposite! I want to write ALL THE BLOG POSTS, I want to comment on ALL THE BLOG POSTS, I want to share ALL THE BLOG POSTS. However, I can’t seem to find a way to regulate my time properly to make all of these things possible! I don’t know if I need to set up like a mandatory time every evening that I work on it or what but I’ve got to make it happen!

If we were having Mexican and Margaritas, I would tell you … that my planner-ing is basically out of control, especially considering all of the new releases that the Me And My Big Ideas (MAMBI) shop is coming out with in JUST TWO DAYS. We’re talking mini planners. We’re talking tote bags. We’re talking washi like runner tape. Also dashboards and budget planners and deluxe covers and all. the. freaking. stickers. (Decorating doesn’t come naturally to me, and while my handwriting isn’t bad, it’s not handlettering status by any means, so I like having stickers to use instead!) As soon as I can get a decent light box for photos of said planner and stickers and etc, I plan on doing a few Bring My Passions posts about it (the first one was a few months ago, about Vans shoes!). Is there anything you would want to see or know specifically, if you have interest in a post like that?

Ok, I wanna know – what’s going on in your lives? If we were out having Mexican and Margaritas, what would you want to share with me? Would you have any advice or thoughts on what I’ve shared?

❤ Let’s talk! ❤


(Oh, and P.S.: if you know me and this blog at all, I would like to emphatically point out that even if I have serious issues responding to comments 98.8% of the time, this post series is exempt from that! 😉 )

5 thoughts on “If We Were Having Mexican & Margaritas … | Vol. 2

  1. Every time I read these I’m in desperate need of Mexican and margaritas D:

    Let’s seeee. For reading, I am totally in the same boat. Most books are just not capturing my attention and it’s not even because I’m not enjoying them. I like what I’m reading but I just read for a few pages then quit. I know my issue is primarily TV and podcasts earlier this month, but I’m getting my sleep schedule back on track so I have more reading AND TV time before work. It’s working so far!

    As I said on Twitter, I downloaded Lose It and am having so much success so far! It really holds me accountable for what I’m eating. I don’t want to have to put something in if it’s going to put me over the edge. I also love the flexible “weekly calories” count so if you go over one day, you can make up for it between another day or two of going under. It makes me feel way better than the Fitbit one!

  2. Yessssss we need to actually have Mexican and margaritas together someday! I had the most amazing carnitas tacos in San Diego and I’m not even a pulled pork fan omg. Still craving the chips and guac too. Now I’m hungry haha. I do love how you twisted Jamie’s post to make it your own! I’m so grateful you’re feeling better after your stupid appendix sabotaged you!! And I feel you on the reading. I’ll read a couple chapters, then nothing, then finish a book in a day, then more nothing. I’m trying not to read too much into it at least and just go with the flow but it’s a little frustrating because I always feel behind! Even though I’m not racing for anything. So PROUD of you for finding a healthy lifestyle that works for you!! What an amazing feeling. I need to take a page out of your book and start with healthier snacks and some moderate exercise. I’m hoping that once the time changes Andy and I will get back to longer morning walks. I love that you’re so into planners but I’m glad I’m not because I would get caught up in all of that fun stuff hahah! I still want to try bullet journaling sometime but I’m happy with my regular planner for now. I would share….. well, we already do share a lot 😉 So you’d probably know everything haha! But honestly, I’d share that Chris and I had a wonderful anniversary and he made me feel so special. I’ve enjoyed watching Halloween movies this month and not stressing about “showcasing” my love for fall- no need to buy limited edition baking mix if I’m not going to bake it, you know? I used to get caught up in that. I’ve been burning candles a lot lately and we both love it. GBBO has made me super happy the past couple months. I’m excited for the holidays around the corner 🙂

  3. Lindsey, I love hearing updates about you and your life and the stuff you love! I’m especially glad that the appendix situation turned out okay ❤ Also, it's been fun to see all your planner updates AND so thrilled for you on the weight loss as well!

  4. So glad you’re over that ordeal and out the other side, what a fab partner in crime you have! As for the weight loss and being healthy, you are literally my inspiration! I would LOVE to achieve what you have. I’ve been eating healthier for a while now, and I’ve been going to the gym for a year. My fitness has improved, but the scales haven’t moved much. For the past month I’ve been hitting it properly, and I’m seeing some results. Minor ones at this stage, but enough to keep me motivated. Fingers crossed I can shift some weight permanently this time, it’s one of my biggest struggles! R xx

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