About Me

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My name is Lindsey. I’m a late 20s something gal that, more often than not, feels like a late 40s something gal. (Except when I’m flailing wildly over things like Harry Potter, all things Disney, and One Direction …) I am most comfortable curled up on my couch with a period piece on in the background (think: North & South, Sense & Sensibility, Pride & Prejudice), my cats cuddled up on my lap, and a new book open before me.


FullSizeRender (5)I have been reading obsessed for as long as I can remember. Some of my earliest memories are bedtime stories with my mom, reading under the desk at school, and standing in my room with new books trying to figure out where in the heck I was going to put them, as all of the bookcases were full to bursting. I was beyond lucky enough to grow up in a household that cultivated, encouraged, and celebrated my love of the written word. I will forever be grateful to my mother for showing me how unbelievably cool reading was, and for never letting me forget it.



There was a very weird phase in my life, in which I was certain I was going to be an Aerospace Engineer. I loved math and logic and the certainty of all things mathematical. I also loved space, galaxies, stars, the moon, and all things celestial. I was accepted to Tulane University in New Orleans, and after a tumultuous few weeks following Hurricane Katrina (my first semester was Fall of 2005) I came back home and did some soul searching, trying to figure out where my path would ultimately lead.


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I randomly lucked into a part time job at a bookstore, and after a lot of hard work and some instances of being in the right place at exactly the right time, I became a department manager in that same bookstore. I am constantly struck by how completely perfect this is for me, and even more so by the complete insanity that I was ever meant to do anything else with my life. I recently hit 8 years at this job, and they have been some of the absolute best years of my life!


Some other things you should know about me:
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I have two adorable cats; Neville and Luna. (My next is going to be named Tonks, it’s been decided.)


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I am beyond lucky to have spent almost a decade with an incredible guy that thinks books stacked all over the house is one of the most endearing things about me.


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I have more pairs of Vans than I do clothes I can wear to work. (It’s a sickness I’m willing to live with.)


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Literally all I want to do with my life is be at the beach, reading and enjoying the sunshine and sea salt smell. I couldn’t imagine not living on the coast, and can’t imagine I would ever choose to live anywhere inland! There is just something about digging your toes in the sand and listening to the waves break over the shore … there isn’t anything like it.


I have been blogging since December of 2013, and it has been an absolutely amazing, life changing experience. I have felt SO lucky to meet some of the wonderful people in this community, and have even made some friendships that transitioned from blogger friends to real life besties. I love having this blog, this wonderful project/hobby/thing all my own to cultivate and tinker with and “stress” about and just altogether love.

My blog is pretty typical; reviews, Top Ten Tuesdays, the random discussion post here and there.
I have a weekly feature called Book People Talk Movies, in which I and guest bloggers discuss some of their fav films, and a Signature Dish Saturday series, where we can all share some of our fav recipes!

Thank you for stopping by and checking my blog out! It is forever most appreciated.


6 thoughts on “About Me

    • Haha:) Yay for Harry Potter & Penguin!! Thank you for your comment and for welcoming me to the wonderful world of bookish blogs, I’m so excited! And I am always available for bookish chats, there is really nothing better than talking books with people that totally get you. 🙂

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