Top Ten Tuesday: Best Halloween TV Episodes


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly list making meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, and it’s one of my favorite things about book blogging! Each week is a fun new topic for us all to flail over, and I love creating my own list just as much as I love perusing everyone else’s! I’ve found both amazing books to add to my TBR pile, and amazing people to add to my life!

This week’s topic?


(Well, technically it was a freebie, but this is what I ended up going with!)


The Office has had so many GREAT Halloween episodes, how is it even possible to pick just one?! (Spoiler alert, I picked two…)

Most memorable part of the episode:
The part featured in this gif, of course! I LIVE for PB&J air high-fives.


Ok, let’s be real – it wouldn’t be a Halloween list without Charlie Brown’s Great Pumpkin!

Most memorable part of the episode:
*hides under rock as she realizes she really should watch this again sometime soon…*


I honestly don’t think I realized how much I missed Boy Meets World until I saw this pop up in memorable Halloween episodes – now I want to go back and rewatch all of the seasons!

Most memorable part of the episode:
There are SO MANY GOOD PARTS, how do you expect me to choose? I love how cheesy and upfront they do the whole “horror” genre, and it’s perfectly hilarious that Jennifer Love Hewitt starred in this episode as “Jennifer Love Fefferman!” I think the inside jokes are really what makes this episode so good, so I’m going to have to go with the scene above – “Oh my God! They killed Kenny!!” (lololol forever)


I have always been super envious of families that go all out for any holiday ever, so this episode with Claire absolutely losing her mind to have the scariest and best haunted house definitely struck a chord with me.

Most memorable part of the episode:
Gloria accidentally gets Jay a bunch of “baby Jesus” instead of “baby cheeses” because of her accent and a misunderstanding, so she spends the rest of the episode talking in a ridiculously forced (and hilarious) American accent. Dead. I am dead.


This one was a tough choice, because there is another great Halloween themed episode in the Buffyverse (where all of the characters turn into their costumes to hilarious and disastrous results), but something about this one just gets me so I picked this!

Most memorable part of the episode:
As always, I think the thing that stands out the most in all of Buffy is the humor (to me, anyways). This one has a really great ending that I don’t want to spoil for you, but let’s just say I actually laughed out loud when the big bad was finally … revealed. 😉


Ok, so I don’t know how I’m just now realizing this, but there’s only ONE Halloween themed epsiode of Friends?!  What, did they just skip this holiday in NYC in the 90s?

Most memorable part of the episode:
Chandler’s embarrassment throughout the episode makes for some really great laughs, but it’s got to come down to the hilariously bad arm wrestling match between the bunny and Spudnik for what makes this episode so memorable.


I don’t know how anyone could ever want to be Leslie’s arch nemesis because HELLO she’s basically the best person on the planet, yet we have Greg Pikitis … yet Greg Pikitis gave us this gem of an episode, so maybe we’re okay with it?!

Most memorable part of the episode:
Andy Dwyer is everything, and Andy Dwyer crying when people are jerks to him is even more everything than Andy Dwyer on a normal basis.


I was a HUGE fan of NCIS growing up (and I’m trying to catch back up now, I think I’m a season and a half behind?), and I knew as soon as I started doing this that I just had to feature one of their Halloween episodes. This one is actually just a fav episode for me in general, so it works pretty well!

Most memorable part of the episode:
How completely in awe of Abby the boys are, and how completely nonplussed she is about the entire thing. (Also, there’s a lot of great head slaps in this episode.)


I’m going to be honest with you here. I’ve seen like 6 episodes of It’s Always Sunny, ever … but this was one of them and my god did I laugh or what. (It’s haaaarrrdddd for me to watch this show, because it is so crass and takes things so far sometimes, but it also has such amazing parts … I don’t know. It’s a struggle.)

Most memorable part of the episode:
The whole episode is being told in flashbacks by different people, and with every flashback the MC of the episode, Dee, becomes more and more of a bird (which is apparently a running joke throughout the series, her being joked for being birdlike). It starts out as a few feathers glued to her costume, but by the end she’s a full blown ostrich and I was DEAD with laughter.



Most memorable part of the episode:


Do we share any favorite Halloween episodes? Are there any that you think I’ve left out? Let’s talk!


Looking Back on September 2016!



I had an emergency appendectomy in September, and OOF. (Not gonna lie, it’s a huge reason that this recap is being posted so late…) It was fairly terrifying in a lot of ways, but it also made me feel really lucky to have the support system I have, both near and far (all of you lovely blog ladies included!). The beau stayed with me the entire time, and I think he ended up going like 24+ hours without sleep (while I was knocked out due to whatever meds they were pumping me with). In the end, I’m so glad I decided to go to the doctor, so glad I have insurance, and so glad I have the people around me that I do.

I finished The Strange and Beautiful Sorrows of Ava Lavender, a book that I’m reading as a part of the Trans Atlantic Book Project. As loathe as I am to mark up my own books, I have to admit it’s pretty fun to read a book with annotations from others, because it’s like I’m reading it with them!

I finally decided to FIX MY DESK SPACE after months upon months upon months of agonizing over how not happy it made me. (Also, to be totally fair, I think the percocet had something to do with these purchases.) (To be even more fair, I ain’t even mad. Because this space makes me SO HAPPY.)

I’ve been using the Happy Planner for a few months now (although I was a huge fan of their products and had a bunch of their stickers and accessories before, when I was using the Erin Condren Life Planner). But now that I’m in this Happy Planner world, I really don’t think I’m going anywhere anytime soon. I’ve had the girlfriend planner nights; I’ve joined the FB groups; good night, I’ve set up a planner only instagram (lindslikewhoa). It’s a sickness. One I’m only too glad to have, and to share with any of you that are looking for a ridiculously fun way to get your life organized!

recap.8The Strange and Beautiful Sorrows of Ava Lavender by Leslye Walton
This Adventure Ends by Emma Mills

2 books this month; 1 ARC and 1 backlist title!
1 ★★★ and 1 ★★★★!

recap.10Flights of Fantasy (13/20)
Backlist Books (25/20)
Rock My TBR (7/25)
Historical Fiction (8/15)
Six Squared (16/36)
Fairytale Retelling (11/6)
Must Read in 2016 (6/10)


This month I spent a lot of time listening to calming favorites from a few years ago, but it was all spurred on from being introduced to the band The War On Drugs. I’m telling y’all, for me, this band and this album is definitely Top 10. If you’re wondering what kind of music I listen to that’s not 80s punk/alternative/rock – listen to this album (or just a few songs!) and you’ve got it.

Here’s the rest of what I was listening to in October!
(Pay special attention to Stu Larsen – Thirteen Sad Farewells … I’ve listened to that one song on repeat SO OFTEN this month!)





In other words, I love Poppin desk accessories. I also love this picture box. I also super duper love this little closetmaid storage solution. YAY FOR PRETTY DESK STUFFS!!!

Woof. Not really the best recap I’ve ever done, but September was honestly just such a mess and about half of it was spent in a total haze. Didn’t get to do a lot of reading or blogging, but hoping for better as the year comes to a close!


Top Ten Tuesday: “I think you should read …”


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly list making meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, and it’s one of my favorite things about book blogging! Each week is a fun new topic for us all to flail over, and I love creating my own list just as much as I love perusing everyone else’s! I’ve found both amazing books to add to my TBR pile, and amazing people to add to my life!

This week’s topic?

Top Ten Books That Were
Recommended To Me

Maybe in Another Life
Maybe in Another Life was a book that I had heard bits and pieces about from a lot of places, but the three bloggers I credit with finally convincing me to pick this one up are Hannah @ So Obsessed With, Jamie @ Perpetual Page Turner, and Lauren @ Bookmark Lit.

Summers at Castle Auburn

I first saw Gillian @ Writer of Wrongs and Jamie @ Perpetual Page Turner freaking out about this Summers at Castle Auburn on Twitter, and let’s just say my interest was PIQUED. This was one of the first tweets I remember seeing about it:


which then turned into me saying this about the book:



Daughter of Smoke & Bone (Daughter of Smoke & Bone, #1)

Daughter of Smoke and Bone was a book that I had put on this Top Ten Tuesday (aka books I’ll probably never read), and a few of my friends (rightfully) lost their minds. Enter Jessie @ Ageless Pages Reviews – she was completely taken aback that I hadn’t read this one yet, and rightfully convinced me to give it a go! (Side note: LOVED IT)

Daughter of the Forest  (Sevenwaters, #1)

Daughter of the Forest is so beloved in the community that it would be really difficult to just name one person that has recommended it to me, but the most notable is Alyssa @ Books Take You Places (who recently got an amazing tattoo of the Sevenwaters family crest!!) She is so passionate about this entire series, and once you start reading it you can immediately see why. If you’ve never read this book, it is more than worth your time.

This Adventure Ends

OOF – who isn’t talking about This Adventure Ends right now?! If you haven’t heard anything about it yet, I urge you to follow Gillian @ Writer of Wrongs, Alexa @ Alexa Loves Books, Angie @ Lady Knight Reads, or Jessie @ Ageless Pages Reviews – they all talked this book up SO well I couldn’t help but read it!! (It also resulted in this review, which was way more personally thought provoking than I anticipated!)

1012-01Dark Unwinding | Romancing the Duke | Unspoken | Grounded | Every Breath

Okay, I’ll be short and sweet with this part … if Morgan @ Gone With The Words recommends a book to you, just do yourself a favor and move it to the top of your TBR immediately! She has quite honestly never let me down, and I find myself re-recommending these books to people all the time! (Especially The Dark Unwinding … if I have never yelled at you to read that book/duology, then we haven’t talked enough.)

But seriously, if she tells you to read something, just, well:



Has anyone ever recommended any of these books to you? Can you think of something else to recommend to me, if you know that each of these books got 4-5★?

Let’s talk!
